
Energy powers our lives and our world. Much like water is a necessary part of survival, our ever-changing technology and lifestyles now mean energy is as well. Not only are electric grids under more pressure than before as energy demand continues to spike, but this resource is also disproportionately shared.  

Database for State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency - “DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency in the United States”

UC Berkeley's Renewable and Appropriate Energy Lab (RAEL) - RAEL’s mission is to use the combined research of our current energy systems, patterns, and practices to develop and propose alternative sustainable energy solutions to address our rising energy demands. Work from members of the lab recognizes cultural context and therefore considers the contrasting impacts on communities in the global north and south. 

Wisconsin Energy Institute - the WEI offers articles, research papers, and event opportunities addressing various aspects of transitioning from fossil fuel dependence to sustainable energy alternatives. As part of the University of the Wisconsin-Madison, this website provides insight into the work conducted by students, faculty, and industry professionals. 

International Energy Agency Sankey Diagram - The IEA is an autonomous intergovernmental organization that provides analysis, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions to our energy crisis. This interactive Sankey diagram displays the energy balances of countries and regions from 1971 to 2018 showing the vast changes in energy demand. 

World Resource Institute Data Sets - The WRI is determined to provide open-access data in an attempt to make energy and climate solutions available to all. Their Data Platform page allows users to interact with satellite images and various climate trackers, as well as educate them on topics such as indigenous land rights and implementable real-world solutions. 

The Solutions Project - The Solutions Project is an initiative with the mission of amplifying the voices of grassroots organizations addressing social and climate issues. As an intermediary funder, the Solutions Project’s strategy of “grants, media capacity, and leverage” connects community organizers with the funding and social platforms to promote messages that uplift frontline communities. 

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) - Energy - The SEI is “an international non-profit research and policy organization that tackles environment and development challenges”. Their energy section shares events, publications, and open-source data related to international work conducted and solutions proposed to energy challenges. 

International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) - The IIEC’s mission is to “apply global knowledge base and experience to customize locally sustainable solutions that are replicable and adaptable, to make a global mainstream impact towards sustainable development and greenhouse gas reduction”. With a particular focus on Asia, Africa, and Pacific Islands, the IIEC implements demand-side management programs to develop large-scale applications of sustainable energy practices. 

Renewables Now - With a goal of supporting and accelerating the development of renewable energy systems, Renewables Now collects and consolidates data to build a renewable energy portfolio that can be used to incentivize decision-makers to shift to renewable energy solutions. 

The Global Transition to Clean Energy in 12 charts - This article summarises the key elements of the REN21’s Renewables 2019 Global Status report using charts and graphs outlined in the report. *This article was written in 2019. REN21 has since released the complete Renewables 2021 Global Status Report.

Energy Flow Chart - Tool presented by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory which creates an energy flow chart based on estimates of energy consumption of different countries and states in different years.*This resource mainly provides US bases data.